I started my drilling career in the goldfields of Western Australia initially off-siding on an exploration drilling rig where I learned the fundamentals of drilling.
Since then, I have worked as a driller and supervisor on various drilling campaigns around Australia, including surface diamond, RC, Underground Diamond, and Blast hole drilling (DTH and Rotary). I understand the challenges affecting small to large-scale operations that demand reliable continual performance from employees, contractors, and suppliers.
Having been exposed to various commodities and having in-field experience making sure DANV can deliver the correct tools from start to finish saving you time and money.
On Going
Australian Business University
AMPT Mndurah
Degree Name - Masters In Bussiness and Administration
Field Of Study - Majoring in Business management
Qualification Name - Cert 3 in Drilling Operations
Field Of Study - Drilling operations
Qualification Name - Diploma of Business Marketing
Field Of Study - Business and Marketing General